Find out which healing crystals are best paired with your cat's & dog's zodiac sign!

Healing Crystals are key accessories to help us channel our intuitions and regulate the emotions in our mind, body, and soul.
This is especially true for our dogs & cats as they feel the same emotions as we do.
Depending on your dog’s zodiac sign & cat’s zodiac signs, certain healing crystals can help cleanse your furry friends from all the negative emotions.
Article Summary
Capricorn Dogs & Cats (December 22 - January 19)

Capricorn dogs are authoritative and responsive. They are never lazy and will always keep their siblings in check.
They are never lazy and will always be willing to learn a new trick or skill when the opportunity comes.
Capricorn cats are one of the most ambitious cats among the zodiac signs. They are smart and devoted and will express love in various ways.
Capricorn cats can be a great presence for their siblings as they will make sure to keep their brothers and sisters in check with their stern and serious nature.
Capricorn dogs & cats may come off as cold and bitter but the truth is, that they are prideful and won’t let emotions get in the way of their goals.
The Best Healing Crystal Pairing for Capricorn Dogs & Cats: Smoky Quartz
The best healing crystal for Capricorn dogs and cats is the Smoky Quartz. The Smoky Quartz creates a calm and grounding atmosphere that makes it perfect for your pets to socialize. The safe and calming effect will also help dissipate a Capricorn’s tendency to expect the worst in situations, making this the best crystal for your cats and dogs.
Aquarius Dogs & Cats (January 20 - February 18)

Aquarius dogs are usually stubborn, smart, and rational. They love exploring their 5 senses and are extremely social animals. They love to be around people as well as their kind and tend to bring out the fun side in many. Aquarius cats are known to be free spirits among the zodiac signs. They can be rebellious due to their free nature but will always be willing to cuddle and show you affection. Just like dogs, they are extremely playful and can bring out their fun side in their siblings. Aquarius dogs & cats are very curious animals and because of this, can often run into trouble. Make sure you don't accidentally leave the door open!
The Best Healing Crystal Pairing for Aquarius Dogs & Cats: Chevron Amethyst
The best healing crystal for Aquarius cats and dogs is the Chevron Amethyst. The Chevron Amethyst is known to balance intellect with emotions. It will decrease fear and grief and create a secure atmosphere for your dogs and cats to live in. It stabilizes the emotional levels of your pets and stops their mind from spinning out of control.
Pisces Dogs & Cats (February 19 - March 20)

Pisces dogs are the dreamers of the zodiac signs. They are deeply sensitive and extremely intuitive. Pisces dogs are gentle souls that love the presence of their humans and will always be seen around them. Because of their gentle and intuitive nature, they are often trained as therapy dogs and they understand the emotions of others very well. Pisces cats are calm and peaceful felines. They can sense when their human or their siblings need some love and comfort. Their peaceful and calm nature can influence their siblings to catch the zoomies and create a soothing environment that everyone will enjoy. Pisces cats and dogs can be bullied sometimes due to their loving nature, so make sure to promote a happy and loving atmosphere in the house!
The Best Healing Crystal Pairing for Pisces Dogs & Cats: Sodalite
The best healing crystal for Pisces dogs and cats is the Sodalite healing crystal. Sodalite is a specialist when it comes to creating a stress-free environment. Pieces cats & dogs will always avoid conflict when necessary so a stress-free environment will surely be loved by your Pisces cats and dogs.
Aries Dogs & Cats (March 21-April 19)

Aries dogs are courageous, ambitious and thrive on being the alpha of the pack. Many Aries dogs are seen walking their humans around the neighborhood from time to time. They are loving animals but they don’t take orders from anybody. If they don’t come running to you after calling their name, don’t take it too personally. Aries cats naturally tend to be aggressive and can be seen spending hours “preying” and “hunting” on their toy mouse. Not always cuddly in nature, they will show you their love in various ways, such as gifting you a bird that they had just recently caught outside.
The Best Healing Crystal Pairing for Aries Dogs & Cats: Rose Quartz
The best healing crystal for Aries dogs and cats is the Rose Quartz. The Rose Quartz is regarded as one of the most famous healing crystals in the world, and for good reason. Known as the crystal of unconditional love, it opens the heart for love to prosper. A great overall choice for dogs and cats that may seem a little tense and need a little boost to let love in.
Taurus Dogs & Cats (April 20 - May 20)

Taurus dogs are dependable and hardworking. They love the outdoors and usually enjoy the same route when going for a walk. They are known to dislike change so make sure not to move their food or water bowls around! Taurus dogs are extremely loyal and will always go the extra mile to please their owners. Taurus cats are known as the royals of the zodiac sign. They love good food and good company, but most of all they will love their humans unconditionally. Just like dogs, Taurus cats hate change and can get upset if their daily routine is disrupted.
The Best Healing Crystal Pairing for Taurus Dogs & Cats: Smoky Quartz
The best healing crystal to pair with Taurus dogs & cats is the Smoky Quartz. The Smoky Quartz will strengthen the unconditional love that they hold for those they trust. Taurus dogs & cats can be quite emotional so having a crystal that wards off negative energy and emotions will definitely create a great atmosphere for your Taurus pets to live in.
Gemini Dogs & Cats (May 21 - June 20)

Gemini dogs are highly intelligent and very communicative. They have hilarious personalities that can go from calm to crazy in a matter of seconds. Gemini dogs are very affectionate and often bond well with many people. Gemini cats are extremely vocal and playful. They will meow for an entire night if locked outside, and if they want a treat, they’ll make sure you know. They are prone to getting the zoomies and have hilarious personalities. Gemini dogs and cats may be seen as mischievous but in fact, they are just extremely playful. Make sure to keep an eye on them!
The Best Healing Crystal Pairing for Gemini Dogs & Cats: Tourmaline Quartz
The best healing crystal for Gemini dogs and cats is the Tourmaline Quartz. This crystal acts as a powerful barrier that purifies the energy surrounding it. Tourmaline Quartz is usually used as a grounding crystal that stabilizes and balances the emotional levels of your cats and dogs.
Cancer Dogs & Cats (June 21 - July 22)

Cancer dogs are compassionate and very intuitive animals. Once they’ve established a deep bond with one another, they will be extremely devoted and protective.
Most cancer dogs are motivated by emotion rather than logic so they make great nurturers pets.
Cancer cats are sweet, affectionate, and compassionate. Just like cancer dogs, they are known to nurture those around them.
They prefer quiet environments and love showing love by licking and kneading.
If you can’t find your cancer cat, they are most likely hiding away in a quiet place!
The Best Healing Crystal Pairing for Cancer Dogs & Cats: Howlite
The best healing crystal for cancer dogs and cats is the Howlite. Howlite promotes a more energetic and social lifestyle that can be extremely helpful to your cancer dogs and cats. Your cats and dogs will be more playful and willing to go out for afternoon walks.
Leo Dogs & Cats (July 23 - August 22)

Leo dogs are charismatic and love being in the spotlight. They are adorable and love using their puppy dog eyes to get what they want. They usually prefer to have all the attention and don’t like it when their siblings are getting love instead. They also love good grooming. Leo cats are said to think like lions. They are expressive and very dramatic. This makes for a very funny cat that could make anyone crack up. Just like the cancer dogs, they love being at the center of attention and can meow for hours until they get it. Leo dogs and cats are not scared to test your limits so make sure to watch out!
The Best Healing Crystal Pairing for Leo Dogs & Cats: Black Obsidian
The best healing crystal for Leo dogs and cats is the Black Obsidian. Black obsidian is great for dogs or cats that experience separation anxiety but can also work great for an attention seeker. The black obsidian will promote peace and safety that will be sure to relieve any negative emotions in your absence.
Virgo Dogs & Cats (August 23 - September 22)

Virgo dogs are keen, smart, and analytical. These dogs will work extremely hard to make sure everyone in their circle is happy. Similar to Taurus dogs in the fact that they hate change as it brings the unknown into reality. If you own a Virgo dog, try to keep a similar schedule every day. Virgo cats are extremely hard-working and clean. You will never catch them missing a day of grooming. Known as the perfectionists of the zodiac sign, they are not a fan of laziness and will always be seen playing or working on something.
The Best Healing Crystal Pairing for Virgo Dogs & Cats: Chevron Amethyst
The best healing crystal to pair with Virgo cats and dogs is the Chevron Amethyst. The Chevron Amethyst will radiate calm and soothing energy that will bring the peace of mind that your hard-working cats and dogs need.
Libra Dogs & Cats (September 23 - October 22)

Libra is the sign of love and marriage. Libra dogs are intuitive and understand the emotions of others very well.
They love having the company of others rather than being alone and are known to go with the flow.
Libra cats are all about balance and fairness.
They expect you to reciprocate the same love that they show you and will not accept anything less than that.
Libra cats are also firm believers in eating their own portion of food and will never think about stealing from their siblings.
Your libra pets will always be there to greet you after a long and tiring day of work.
The Best Healing Crystal Pairing for Libra Dogs & Cats: Sodalite
The best healing crystal to pair with your Libra cats and dogs is the Sodalite crystal.
Sodalite is known as the crystal to bring everything into balance.
From emotions to behaviors, this crystal is perfect for your pets who prefer a balanced lifestyle.
Scorpio Dogs & Cats (October 23 - November 21)

Scorpio dogs are mysterious and have intense personalities. They are deep thinkers and require daily exercise to relieve them of their stress from thinking too much. Scorpio dogs also tend to hold grudges so make sure not to step on their paw! Scorpio cats, just like their canine counterparts, are mysterious and intense. They may lick you one minute then start biting you the next. Scorpio cats can be very jealous and get confrontational with other animals in the house. Scorpio dogs and cats are very loving and may develop separation anxiety so make sure to find ways to calm them down when you leave.
The Best Healing Crystal Pairing for Scorpio Dogs & Cats: Black Obsidian
The best healing crystal to pair with your Scorpio dogs and cats is the Black obsidian. Due to their loving nature, they may develop separation anxiety. To counteract this issue, the Black Obsidian is the perfect healing crystal to have.
Sagittarius Dogs & Cats (November 22 - December 21)

Sagittarius dogs are known for their adventurous attitude. Sagittarius dogs are the happiest when spending time outside with their human.
They love exploring their 5 senses, so it may be great to bring them out on regular hikes!
Sagittarius cats are curious and adventurous. They love exploring new places and may potentially be willing to go out for walks on a leash.
Sagittarius cats are very people-friendly and will not hesitate to jump on a stranger’s lap to introduce themselves.
The Best Healing Crystal Pairing for Sagittarius Dogs & Cats: Clear Quartz
The best healing crystal to use for Sagittarius cats and dogs is the Clear Quartz healing crystal. This crystal is known to amplify all the energy that is focused through it. The Clear Quartz crystal will increase your cat and dog’s creativity and amplify the confidence that they already possess!
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