Shotaro Nabeya

Mar 16, 20215 min

The Dog and Their Nine Chakra Points.

Enhance your dog’s well-being by learning about their 9 major chakra points!

Dogs, much like humans, are deeply connected to the energies that surround them. Beyond their keen senses and intuitive nature, these loyal companions possess a chakra system, comprised of nine distinct points, that play a pivotal role in their overall well-being.

From the root chakra that ground them to the earth to the higher spiritual chakras that connect them to the universe, understanding and nurturing these energy centers can provide a profound insight into the holistic health and emotional balance of our canine friends.

Article Summary

  • What are Chakras?

  • The Dog’s Nine Major Chakras and Their Colors.

  • First or Root Chakra in Dogs.

  • Second or Sacral Chakra in Dogs.

  • Third or Solar Plexus Chakra in Dogs.

  • Fourth or Heart Chakra in Dogs.

  • Fifth or Throat Chakra in Dogs.

  • Sixth or Third Eye Chakra in Dogs.

  • Seventh or Crown Chakra in Dogs.

  • Eighth or Sensing Chakra in Dogs.

  • Ninth or Brachial Chakra in Dogs.

  • How To Help Your Dog Balance Their Chakras?

  • Crystal Healing and the Nine Dog Chakras.

  • FAQ

What are Chakras?

In Sanskrit, the word “Chakra” means “disk” and refers to the spinning energies found within various parts of the body.

They are an integral part of a dog’s energy force and are vital for their well-being.

To function at their best, chakras in dogs need to stay open or balanced.

If they get blocked in any way, your dog may experience physical or emotional problems related to the specific chakra.

The Dog’s Nine Major Chakras and Their Colors.

Humans are known to have 7 major chakras, but dogs on the other hand have 9 major chakra points.

Colors represent high or low-energy vibrations which help with the healing and cleansing of any negative energies within the dog's body.

Crystal healing in dogs is closely tied to chakra points and can uplift and cleanse the spirit of your beloved dogs.

First or Root Chakra in Dogs.

The first or Root chakra in dogs is associated with the color red. It represents the fight-or-flight instinct, family, safety, and courage.

The root point works the immune system, blood circulation, reproductive organs, and the lower half of your dog’s body – the legs, feet, and tail.

For your dog, this is associated with their pack, how safe and grounded your pet is in their current environment, and their relationship with others in the household.

When opened, this determines how well your dog will listen to their leaders, and when blocked, it may display behaviors that may seem disobedient.

They may even become fearful or nervous because their feeling of safety is disrupted.

Second or Sacral Chakra in Dogs.

The second or sacral chakra in dogs is associated with the color orange.

It represents willpower and is connected to the stomach, intestines, bladder, hips, and lower back.

This chakra point is where most of the human emotions that your dog has to process go, whether it is positive or negative emotions.

When opened your dog has a better chance of understanding what you mean and what you want.

Third Chakra or Solar Plexus Chakra in Dogs.

The third or solar plexus chakra in dogs is associated with the color yellow.

It is linked to the self-esteem and self-worth of your dogs. It is connected to the liver, kidney, spleen, and adrenals.

This chakra point is related to the good and confident feelings that your dog feels, when blocked, your dog’s behavior can play out as aggressive, fearful, or even angry.

It is vital that your dog is confident as they become more trustful of you and will also have a better gut instinct.

Fourth Chakra or Heart Chakra in Dogs.

The fourth or heart chakra is associated with the color pink.

Just as the name suggests, this chakra point is connected to the heart and is all about unconditional love for oneself and others in the household.

An open heart chakra improves the regulation of emotions and helps with breathing as well.

Emotions such as love, compassion, and empathy will be filled within your dog making them care for their pack as well as the hierarchy within that pack.

When closed, negative emotions such as jealousy, envy, and grief can take over thus making them act unpleasantly.

They may start getting territorial towards other animals in the house and can develop separation anxiety towards their humans.

Fifth Chakra or Throat Chakra in Dogs.

The fifth or throat chakra is associated with the color blue and deals with the throat, mouth, and speech in your dogs.

It has everything to do with communication and clarity, being able to express oneself in a way that is pleasant and understandable.

When blocked, your dog may display excessive vocal behaviors such as barking or whining.

They can even start ignoring you and stop listening to commands. If your dog excessively barks or bites, it may be due to a blockage of the throat chakra.

Sixth Chakra or Third Eye Chakra in Dogs.

The sixth or third eye chakra is linked with the color indigo. It deals with intuition and the ability to stay calm in tense situations.

The third eye chakra in dogs is connected to the eyes, nose, brain, and pineal gland.

When out of balance, your dog can be easily distracted or even distant machining learning new tricks extremely hard.

It can also cause physical symptoms such as headaches and blurry eyes.

Seventh Chakra or Crown Chakra in Dogs.

The seventh or crown chakra in dogs is associated with the color violet.

This chakra point is found at the top of the head and in between the ears in your dogs.

It connects to the spirit and divine energy and is very useful when dealing with head trauma or other issues within the pineal gland. This chakra is often balanced with Chevron Amethyst.

When this chakra point is out of balance or blocked, your dog may display behaviors such as depression and can be very sensitive to touch in the affected area.

They will start to distrust humans and be disengaged from the environment around them.

Eighth Chakra or Sensing Chakra in Dogs.

The eighth or sensing chakra is associated with the color silver blue.

It is connected to the five senses that your dog experiences – touch, smell, taste, sight, and sound.

It determines how well your dog filters these experiences and how they deal with or react to the information they take in.

If blocked, your dog may overreact or underreact to the experience they go through in their daily lives.

Ninth Chakra or Brachial Chakra in Dogs.

The eighth or brachial chakra in dogs is associated with the color black and is the most important chakra.

This chakra is what allows dogs to bond with their humans and also connects all other chakra points throughout their bodies.

If you have a new dog joining the family, it is a great place to massage to increase their trust in you as well as strengthen the emotional, physical, and spiritual bond between you.

If blocked, all chakra points would be blocked causing a mass imbalance within your dogs.

How To Help Your Dog Balance Their Chakras?

Check out this video on how to massage your dog to better regulate their emotions and help open their chakra points!


Crystal Healing and the Nine Dog Chakras.

Crystal healing is closely tied to the chakra system in dogs.

Utilizing the healing effects of various crystals can greatly help open up the chakras of your dogs. Paying attention to the mind-body-soul connection will help your dog balance and regulate its emotions.

If any are out of balance, you can turn to crystal healing to align everything back again!

Merci Collective offers a variety of crystal-infused dog accessories Be sure to check them out!



FAQ - The Dog and Their Nine Chakra Points
